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Batch query in Python

# __author__ = 'Bayes Server'
# __version__= '0.2'

import jpype # pip install jpype1 (version 1.2.1 or later)
import jpype.imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from jpype.types import *

classpath = "lib/bayesserver-10.8.jar" # TODO download the Bayes Server Java API, and adjust the path

# Launch the JVM

# import the Java modules

from com.bayesserver import *
from com.bayesserver.inference import *
from import *
from jpype import java

from data_frame_utils import to_data_table

def create_data_reader_command() -> DataReaderCommand:

Manually create a pandas DataFrame here to keep the example self contained.
We could also use a pandas DataFrame loaded from a file, or
even create a DatabaseDataReaderCommand that connects directly to a database.

df = pd.DataFrame({
"Waste type": ["Industrial", "Household", np.nan, "Industrial", "Industrial"],
"CO2 concentration": [-1.7, -2.0, -1.7, np.nan, 0.5]})

return DataTableDataReaderCommand(to_data_table(df))

def create_evidence_reader_command(network: Network) -> EvidenceReaderCommand:
Create an evidence reader command, than maps data to variables.
This can connect to a database, a pandas DataFrame, or you can create a custom reader.

data_reader_command = create_data_reader_command()

waste_type = network.getVariables().get("Waste type", True)
co2_concentration = network.getVariables().get("CO2 concentration", True)

return DefaultEvidenceReaderCommand(
VariableReference(waste_type, ColumnValueType.NAME, waste_type.getName()),
VariableReference(co2_concentration, ColumnValueType.VALUE, co2_concentration.getName())

network = Network()

# TODO download network from the Bayes Server User Interface (or Bayes Server Online)
# and adjust the following path

# discrete
variables = network.getVariables()
burning_regimen = variables.get("Burning Regimen", True)
waste_type = variables.get("Waste type", True)
filter_state = variables.get("Filter state", True)

burning_regimen_stable = burning_regimen.getStates().get("Stable", True)

# continuous
filter_efficiency = variables.get("Filter efficiency", True)
dust_emission = variables.get("Dust emission", True)
metals_in_waste = variables.get("Metals in waste", True)
co2_concentration = variables.get("CO2 concentration", True)
light_penetrability = variables.get("Light penetrability", True)
metals_emission = variables.get("Metals emission", True)

# Create an inference engine to calculate the queries.
# The same inference engine can be re-used for multiple rows of data.
# Although not shown here, you can also create multiple inference engines,
# to take advantage of multiple threads.

factory = RelevanceTreeInferenceFactory()
inference = factory.createInferenceEngine(network)
query_options = factory.createQueryOptions()
query_output = factory.createQueryOutput()

# add some marginal queries
query_burning_regimen = Table(burning_regimen)
query_light_penetrability = CLGaussian(light_penetrability)
# You can also add joint queries over > 1 variable
query_joint = CLGaussian([filter_efficiency, burning_regimen])

# we will also query the log-likelihood

evidence_reader_command = create_evidence_reader_command(network)

read_options = DefaultReadOptions()

# Iterate through the data, perform queries for each row.
# In this example, the output is simply written to the console, but the output
# could be streamed into a database or another data store or endpoint.

evidence_reader = evidence_reader_command.executeReader()

evidence = inference.getEvidence()

while, read_options):

inference.query(query_options, query_output)

log_likelihood = query_output.getLogLikelihood()
prob_stable = query_burning_regimen.get(burning_regimen_stable)
mean_light_penetrability = query_light_penetrability.getMean(light_penetrability)
variance_light_penetrability = query_light_penetrability.getVariance(light_penetrability)
joint_element = query_joint.getMean(filter_efficiency, burning_regimen_stable)



# Expected output ...
# -1.56469966974624 0.934046351645668 1.57952317582283 0.419529880001972 -3.725
# -0.247575914981347 0.98111967122024 1.52305983561012 0.351488920422928 -3.065
# -0.311935701250374 0.934046351645668 1.52238029582283 0.380432496848107 -3.25357124
# -1.25276396849587 0.85 1.5375 0.43747475 -3.725
# -7.21683608441226 1.11889682547702E-11 1.11250000000559 0.420474750002601 -3.725